

How to keep your home cool in the summer

One week it’s raining, the next it's blistering hot - nothing like good ol' English weather! Although many of us are happy to see the sun, our homes are designed to retain heat, not to keep us cool. Here are a few low cost, energy efficient ways you can keep your home cool this summer.

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Create a cross-breeze through the house

Open windows at opposite sides of the house and keep doors open so a cool breeze can move through freely. Even just a couple of hours will help, although it's best to do it first thing in the morning, or late in the evening when the temperature drops.

Limit the use of appliances

Home appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines and dryers produce quite a lot heat. Using these in cooler parts of the day, morning and evening, will make a real difference to the temperature in your home.

Switch out your incandescent bulbs

LED lightbulbs are a much more energy efficient way of lighting your home. These bulbs also produce 90% less heat than incandescent bulbs.

Bring in your plants

Plants help to purify the air in your home, as well as keeping it looking nice! Indoor plants can give your home natural air conditioning & keep it cool from the summer’s scorching heat.

Don’t use the oven

Cooking hot meals can, of course, heat things up in your home. Try swapping to cold meals like salads and sandwiches, to keep temperatures down.